1. Original Articles:
    • Content Authenticity: Ensure that the text of your article is your original work. Do not copy text from other sources without proper attribution.Use of ChatGPT is restricted.
    • Plagiarism Check: Before submission, use a plagiarism checker tool to ensure the uniqueness of your article. Make revisions if necessary to avoid any plagiarism issues.
  2. Original Images:
    • Ownership: Submit only images that you own or have created yourself. Do not use copyrighted or third-party images without permission.All the legal responsibilities with image will lie with user if they use copied images.
    • Relevance: Ensure that the image is directly relevant to the content of your article. It should enhance the reader’s understanding or appreciation of the text.
    • Quality: Provide high-resolution and clear images to accompany your article. Avoid blurry, distorted, or otherwise low-quality visuals.
    • Permissions: If your image includes identifiable people, make sure you have their consent to use their likeness on the platform.
  3. Submission Process:
    • Title and Description: Provide a clear and concise title and description for your article. This helps readers understand what your article is about and the context of the image(s).
    • Formatting: Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by the Tafary Buddy platform, such as font size, style, or article structure.
    • Review: Review your article and images for any errors or omissions before submitting. Ensure that the overall presentation is professional and polished.
    • Length of the artilce: The artilcle will be atleast 2000 words.
  4. Ethical Considerations:
    • Respect for Privacy: Do not include private or confidential information without permission.
    • Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural, historical, and contextual accuracy and sensitivity in both your written content and images.

By following these guidelines, you help maintain a high standard of quality and integrity for the Tafary Buddy platform. If you have any questions about the submission process or guidelines, please contact the platform’s support team for assistance.